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It is sad the situation in many parts of Uganda due to draught. Many people have no food in their gardens, nor foodstuffs stored. Food security is a matter of history. Many water places have dried up, others have very little water. Trees including Coffee are drying up. You can imagine the quality of Coffer beans that will be harvested.

Everyday one sees truckfuls of Charcoal, meaning that trees are being cut at an increasing rate. Yet there is no sound policy in place to see to substitute to charcoal and firewood.

Under normal circumstances, there would be no famine in Uganda, but trust bad politics and I’ll advised policies, Uganda has got to where it is. A country with two rainy seasons with rivers and lakes here and there, it is a shame where we are.

Money is being wasted on useless projects as far as the welfare of the locals is concerned. We should by now have many farmers getting proper advice by extension officers over the strategies for better crop husbandry. The irrigation systems should be no news to our farmers. As of now, when its takes sometime without rain, majority of the farmers look on helplessly.

It is incumbent upon the NRM Government to play mature politics that will see the Agricultural sector properly nourished if Uganda is to improve on food security and as well boost the surplus for marketing internally and for export.
