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Media Forums The Uganda Useless Elite Class Yoweri Museveni is the Biggest Parasite in Uganda I HAVE A BETTER VISION THAN YOWERI MUSEVENI



The embattled bailed Nakawa legislator Michael Andrew Kabaziguruka has officially revealed to salt media that he is going to run for presidency any time from now and he has dismissed president Museveni’s claims that he is the only leader with the vision because he has what it takes to run for that office.

Kabaziguruka who was released on bail by high court judge Yasin Nyanzi on Thursday Oct 20th 2016 after spending over 100 days at Kigo government prison vowed to salt media that its just a matter of time for him to fulfill his dream and bringing Uganda back on the lost truck.

He has revealed this today (OCT 25 2016) morning as our reporter paid a courtesy visit to him at his Luzira Port bell home as said that its just a matter of time for his goal to be scored.

“I’ll definitely contest for presidency it will not be tomorrow and will i’ll definitely be the president of this country because I know I have what it takes, I have all the necessary qualifications of leading this country and I am to disprove to all people that this country had capable and visionary leaders for presidency and confirm that can perform much more than your Mr. Museveni but just stay tuned” Kabaziguruka emphasizes.

He has further vowed to take fight for the rule law and defend the constitution especially when it comes to the presidential age limit bill being rumored around. He says like it was in 2005 when the presidential term was scrapped off, he won’t allow it happening again since he sworn in to defend the constitution of Uganda.

“This law which they want to bring with the aim of scrapping off the presidential age limit is un acceptable and this mistake which was done in 2005 when the constitution was played with to allow Mr. Museveni who had ran short of terms run for presidency is un acceptable and I sworn as MP of Nakawa to protect the constitution, the constitution is not like a personal novel which can to be editioned any time by the author” KABAZIGURUKA VOWS.

