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Mao Nobert is a limping president general
Mao Nobert-former makerere guild president,Member of Parliament and now “limping president general” of the “mighty” and oldest political party in Uganda-DP! This good orator took to the political arena by defeating NRM’s Noble Mayombo in what was arguably the mostly hotly contested MUK guild elections ever,the man can talk….you have to give him that one.BUT as you may well suspect,know or at least guess from the old adage-“Talkers are often non doers”if not often do the opposite of their”great”talk. From MUK,young Mao trounced Betty bigombe for Gulu Municipality MP and as you may imagine his fame and flame shine and blew even higher.he started to quickly reveal the true Mao…at least to those who could see through his glittering but empty rhetoric like myself.He immediately formed a political ‘party’ with Aggrey Awori and baptized it-progressive party.he received a huge amount of money in form of a donation to their party activities and pocketed it.when Awori found out,he dismissed Mao! Shameless Mao went running back to DP! A Few months later he fell ill and was diagnosed with then deadly killer HIV-AIDS.distraught Mao shared the bad news with close confidant-Jacob owl-anya who advised him that state house had a cure for and drugs for HIV. NOW DP’s real problems begins. Owl-anyah introduces Mao and his disease burden to M7 who obliges to help this “sick man from Europe-sorry Acholi”. In return, Mao must use his oratory to deliver Democratic Party to M7 and to destroy it. 2005 DP delegates conference-now NRM mole Mao received funding to contest for DP Presidency…DP is still solid strong and sees through his sweet talk and prefers sebaana kizito-tribalist NRM mole refers to the election result as “bika byabuganda football tournament”! He misleads DP delegates from Northern Uganda to boycott the elections and the resultant National executive! For the next five years DP Has no structures or leadership in northern Uganda! NRM then starts to mobilise DP members from north exploiting the lacuna and tribal sentiments….Mao is rewarded by M7 with 900 milion for this near victory. M7 orders him to go back and take leadership of the 2010 Mao joins forces with late Mafia Nsubuga to hoodwink sebaana to hand the position of secretary general to matia. The trio then organised a fake and shum national council meeting at natete presided over by the president general! And not the national chairperson as the DP constitution stipulates! This fake meeting hands matia the secretary general position and with it,the much needed tools for MAO-M7 Plan .Matia,issa kikungwe are then taken to state house by mao where they meet M7 and agree to execute the Mao plot.they are fully financed by state house to organise the infamous mbale delegates conference-which was fully funded by M7 to the extent that the mattresses on which the delegates slept were labeled UPDF! Almost all delegates at this fake mbale were hired at 50k from neighboring IUIU Mbale campus and given lists of who to vote.this delegates confrence gave birth to the “Matia Nsubuga, Mbidde,kikungwe,kezaala,Kidandali-mao” partnership many refer to as….”abafeere be mbale” this new group led by Mao and directed by NRM, started to orchestrate the cracks that now threaten the mighty DP from its very foundation and core! All over Uganda this “executive”was rejected BUT surprisingly it was propped and protected by its “enemy”NRM! To an extent where up to today if you say Mao should go it is the state that fights you! For the first time in the history of great DP, the party under Norbert mao did not field a presidential candidate in 2016! All the bafere of mbale were busy doing was collect and pocket 2million from every MP contesting and or seeking DP approval only to field weak DP candidates,fight strong ones so that their real boss NRM Wins!you must be reminded that contrary to national council,DP elders and members demands Mao refused to set up an independent Electoral commission of the party for 2015 delegates conference but instead,they on NRM directive and finance took the delegates conference to katomi at gilbert bukenya’s hotel-read nrm hotel,where all the rooms had been wired with recorders and where almost all delegates were one of the rooms where these wires were found taped under a bed the management claimed it was intercom -in a room without a telephone set!when matia died,mao refused to organise to fill the election but opted to hand the sensitive office to UPC’s Gerald siranda! The national executive and council are mandated to sit atleast twice a year but under mao for 8 year the two have never sat! DP has no true structures anywhere today as all delegates are fake.this was confirmed verbally by ‘ambasador’kezaala who said the mbale delegates were fake as were those in katomi! When interviewed further kezaala said it is infact mao that was the chief negotiator for his new appointment and exit from DP! WHAT MORE MUST WE WITNESS? And now mbu mao wants kisanja! To do what? Let us join forces to retire this sick-man from i don’t know where so that he can concentrate on having a better grip to his walking stick,take his medication and peacefully allow us rebuild our party.enough is hell with mao and all his bafere be mbale/Katomi. Truth and justice.DP OYEEE!