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Media Forums The Uganda Useless Elite Class When Odonga Otto and Winnie Byanyima Fool Ugandans

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    Alice Ruhindi, Amama Mbabazi’s in-law went on a rampage and attacked Edith Byanyima

    Alice Ruhindi, Amama Mbabazi’s in-law went on a rampage and attacked Edith Byanyima over the Kanyamunyu shooting case that left many Ugandan’s including the victim’s family in anger.

    Edith is one of the Byanyima sisters who turned out at court to stand surety in the bail application for murder suspects Mathew and Joseph Kanyamunyu, as well Mathew’s girlfriend Cynthia Munwangari.

    During the court session, the judge refused to grant bail to the three suspects and there was also a boil of anger in the court room as family & friends of the late Kenneth Akena targeted Winnie Byanyima, wife to opposition leader Kizza Besigye.

    Kanyamunyu (Right) suspect in the murder of Kenneth Akena (Left)Kanyamunyu (Right) suspect in the murder of Kenneth Akena (Left)

    This story that has received a lot of media attention and has been gripped with tribalism and hate between two sides but things took a turn for the worse when Edith tBtanyima made it public, that Kanyumunyu family have suffered enough at the hands of Acholi and they’ll not allow a repeat of the past.

    This is what Alice had to say in response to Edith’s tribalistic comments;
    Edith, see there are no winners in this case. My suggestion to you is to tone it down. If you have had enough when your nephew is a murder suspect and you can still hold his hand, what do you think Akena’s family are going through?

    What if we reversed roles so that Akena was the one suspected to have shot Mathew your relative? Would you still say that you have had enough?

    It is tragic the way you guys come to social media to provoke people who are already on the edge? Is it pride? Arrogance or both?

    Take a low key, talk when absolutely necessary. Avoid emotional outbursts because they are not only damaging you guys, they are annoying the family & friends of Akena.

    Kanyamunyu (Right) suspect in the murder of Kenneth Akena (Left)
    Your sister Winnie made a big error of judgement. You may need to get better PR on your team.You are not my friend & I do not wish to be among your friends.
    You say I am a hater of your sister? That I am concerned about Winnie losing support in Acholi? Either you mad or on ganja or both.

    I neither know Winnie nor any of you girls. What I am certain of is that a young man called Akena was murdered & the suspects are 2 of your relatives.

    You do not win public opinion by displaying such level of ignorance, arrogance, impunity & lack of humility. If it was not for Dr Kizza Besigye, I would have never heard of you little Miss. what exactly do you do for a living?

    You are probably used to people who tell you lies & what you want to hear. The corrupt regime has made some of you grow wings. I have good news for you little lady. Keep it real & humble yourself. Show respect to the family of Akena. Manners do not cost a penny.

    Your sister losing support in Acholi? How does she lose support when she works for Oxfam & pays taxes to HM just like me? Support for what? Why would I care? Bambi!
    I feel pain on behalf of Akena’s family.

    Your concern is that your nephew is behind bars and cannot kiss & cuddle Cynthia as they demonstrated in court to our shock and horror.

    Your family is lucky Mathew is alive. Akena’s family is not as lucky. His mother will never see him again. Unlike you who the other day saw your nephew.

    Please carry yourself off Facebook for a while and stop upsetting people. Do not forget your poisonous tongue. You are definitely not a nice lady.


    Winnie Byanyima Relatives are the most arrogant Murderers

    The Akena story and murder has taken its toll on the small Ugandan community which some have felt that there is not enough justice for our brother Akena.

    The three suspects Matthew Kanyamunyu, his brother Joesph including his girlftriend Cynthia Munywangari were remanded to Luzira prison until December 6, 2016 by Grade One Magistrate, Noah Ssajjabi.

    Kanyamunyu, since last Saturday has been locked up and held on suspicion for the shotting of Akena, aged 32 years. Matthew claims he only tried to help Akena by taking him to hospital after he had been shot in the stomach.
    Matthew Kanyamunyu says he was only being a good Samaritan as if he is Jesus Christ himself by helping take Akena Norvik hospital located along Bombo road in Kampala.

    Matthew Kanyamunyu is the chief executive officer of Quantum Express Logistics who has been held on suspicion for shotting Akena.

    Akena Kenneth was a community development officer with a local non-governmental organization and was shot in the stomach later died on Sunday at Norvik Hospital. Kenneth was buried on Wednesday at Gang Diang in Kitgum Municipality.


    According to Edith Byanyima the sister in law to Dr Besigye, Akena had to be killed because Acholis had killed Kanyamunyus father in the 1970s! We now know how these guts will behave once in government! They will launch a genocide against all other tribes! MY VOTE NOT FOR BESIGYE AND WIFE!




    The Uganda Regime splashes 500m on MPs to cheer on Uganda Cranes in Gabon

    Government has splashed over Shs500m of tax-payers money to foot bills of MPs and parliamentary staff who are in Gabon to watch the Africa Cup of Nations (AFCON) tournament.

    A source within the Parliament commission who preferred anonymity because of the sensitivity of the matter said various committees and the commission sponsored about 25 MPs to travel and cheer the team.

    The legislators’ daily maintenance costs in Gabon is thus a financial curse for the struggling economy and it might as well be good that the team has been ejected which will help cut on the expenses.

    Each MP who stays outside the country is given a daily per Diem of $520 (about Shs1, 872,000).Each member of staff gets 320 dollars.

    That means MPs spent Shs468, 000, 000 in per diem alone for the last ten days without the Speaker’s entourage and technical staff, which on average are five people.

    MPs also spent another $19,750 (about Shs69, 125,000) on flight. A return Economy ticket to Gabon in Kenya airways cost $790.

    On the other hand, MPs also splashed another $1,250 (aboutShs4, 423,620) in match tickets. Each ticket for a match in Gabon cost $50.

    The quoted amount, however, doesn’t include the technical staff and the speaker’s extra costs.

    Although the Ugandan team, budgeted Shs6billion to go through this tournament, the government gave them only Shs1 billion with a promise of another Shs1 billion should Cranes progress from group stage.

    The Ugandan team could, therefore, be the poorest facilitated in Gabon and among the worst performers but via tax payer’s money, the cranes have the most expensive cheerers.

    Some of the of the Mps on the delegation include; Anita Among, Mohammed Nsereko, Charles Bakabulindi, Moses Kasibante, Elijah Okupa,  Conney Nakayenza Galiwango, Odongo Otto, Harrison Obua, Allan Sewanyana and Jalia Bintu, and Peter Ogwang.

    Nevertheless, our source indicated that MPs like Moses Kasibante, Allan Sewanyana, Charles Bakabulindi, and  Conney Nakayenza Galiwango are members of the Parliament committee on education and sports who would ordinarily be justified to travel because of the nature of their parliament duties as members of the committee on education and have to  play the oversight role.

    But others belong to different committees like Anita Among on the statutory enterprise committee and Mohammed Nsereko belongs to the equal opportunities committee while Harrison Obua is the Captain of the parliamentary team.

    Also, MPs Odongo Otto and Jalia Bintu are members of the Parliament football and netball team respectively.

    It is reported that some of these MPs were facilitated from the parliamentary sports budget others were facilitated by their committees and the rest by the commission.

    All in all, the MPs, irrespective of which budget they accessed to travel were all facilitated by the tax payers.

    When contacted to find out whether their trip was being funded by parliament or the legislators themselves, the parliament spokesperson Chris Obore, in a rude response said the legislators had gone to watch football like any other fan.

    “Parliament even contributed money for the Uganda Cranes so they have gone to watch football,”Obore told the SpearTeam referring to the Shs215m that parliament donated to the national team twice less than their trip expense, before he hang up on phone.

    The extravagant expenditure comes hardly five months after the same institution spent Shs2billion on the Speaker and her deputy alongside a delegation of 78 MPs and several parliamentary support staff to attend a three days’ convention of Ugandans living in diaspora last year.

    Some legislators who were contacted on the matter did not support the arrangement to sponsor their colleagues to travel and cheer the team in Gabon.

    Although he said the delegation could have used their personal funds to travel to Gabon, Nakase County South MP Paul Lutamaguzi said “Parliament has the power to increase the sports budget other than spending money at the last minute to cheer them.”

    But the fact that the deputy opposition Chief Whip Mugume Kaginda, when contacted, revealed that opposition was represented by MPs Kasibante, Okupa and Ssewanyana, is evident that the delegation was apparently funded by parliament.


    Ugandan Mps continue to increase the debt burden as the treasury weakens..

    Just like the usual selfish and egocentric Uganda legislators, the Mps pretended to be against the 6bn handshake ,but look here,they are pestering the speaker for the 150 million each for a the principle

    A total of 31 Members of Parliament facing election petitions at the Court of Appeal have petitioned the Speaker Rebecca Kadaga and the Parliamentary Commission.

    We therefore remain uncertain on the future status of Uganda’s national treasury as every one is milking from their respective angles and the principle of service now becomes – for God and My stomach.



    TO Rt  HonRebecca Alitwala Kadaga and Nadiope William aka Kyabazinga of Busoga.
    Is this the time when you lead Basoga to actually acknowledge and appreciate my contribution even apologise for insulting me???? I begged for that job “presidential aide” Busoga from the same President M7 in 2012 and got it. I sacrificed a parliamentary of 25 million and opted for 1.8 million because I put Busoga over and above my personal gratification. The same KadagaTeam now confusing Busoga fought against me; YOU oppressed me; insulted me; humiliated me; frustrated me; undid my work; till I ran out of gas and left the job. 2 years later it seems to be the case that either you are failing to get a way of sharing the 2 billion shillings I had lobbied for Busoga every year or the only Musoga who is good enough to step in my feet and share that money is Your Son+ NadiopeWilliam aka the Kyabazinga. As the bible says; a pig does not recognise gold in its mouth. Honestly you Kadaga / NadiopeWilliam politicians have cost Busoga a lot. We had registered the Busoga Development Cooeprative Union and were about to start receiving 2 billion a year for Busoga Development when you came by force; overthrew Zibondo, installed NadiopeWilliam and rechannelled Busoga development money to advertising and functions of Kyabazingaship. I will help you out. I am spiritually gifted and was ordained by the ancestors to do that Job. You can go to hell and back; become president or president’s servant. Become Presidential Aide or ambassador for Busoga and occupy my last office which feels good to me because I initiated the idea in state house; but you will never put Busoga in order. You are not honest or truthful. You have no respect for Busoga culture or ancestry. You know the legitimate cultural leaders but work with fakes to squander Busoga land and wealth. Unless you learn to pray; listen to the ancestors and the Creator and be honest and truthful. You are cursed. This desperation clearly marks the beginning of your end. You tortured me in the dark; Stabbed me in the back; NOW THE WHOLE WORLD KNOWS YOU SIMPLY WANTED MY JOB FOR YOURSELVES. You are too pompous and aloof; how in heaven are you, the same people stealing from the Basoga going to lead them to development. Anyway my case is made. At least it is now clear MaureenKyalya is the greatest administrator Busoga ever had that only the Kyabazinga in person is good enough to succeed her. Good luck. I hope your boys never despise me and call me a commoner again because if you the whole Kyabazinga can be heir to a MukopI and Woman then surely you are a more Mukopi than I can ever be. I really pray that NadiopeWilliam you do not stoop this low because I will personally lead the project of uncovering who both of you truly are to the entire world. Remember I am spiritually gifted so do not doubt; I have all the physical evidence. Lots of love Traditional Hereditary Princess Meru Nantono Kanobe from Nhyenda Hill.


    Culturalists request government to recognize Ankole King

    It was a merrymaking day as thousands of Banyankore gathered at the Ankole Kingdom palace in Itaaba Kyabanyoro, Rwampara Mbarara District on the Cultural Convention.

    The event was organized by the cultural experts in Ankole Kingdom in the palace of the Ankole King, His Royal Highness Asiimwe Rubambansi Ntare VI, where various culturalists convened to bless the Kingdom and pave the way for the official recognition of the Kingdom by the government of the Republic of Uganda.

    People from the public were also invited to witness the event that has taken more than half a century since it last happened.

    People who were around prayed for the Kingdom and blessed the King and asked God to make him wise like King Solomon and make him the great leader of the once glorious kingdom, Ankole Kingdom and to restore the previous glory of Kaaro Karungi.

    Professor Mulema from Buganda Kingdom who was one of the Guests in his speech thanked the people of Ankole for showing this big interest in the Kingdom and working tirelessly to have it restored and promised them that the function, which was held on Friday opened the doors for the kingdom restoration and God will from today onwards be the director of the King and his activities.

    Some of the people who attended in a queue at Lunch time.

    Mr. Elidard Karukiiko who spoke on behalf of the Cabinet thanked the King for trusting him and his team and promised to work hard towards rebuilding the Kingdom. He asked the Banyankore to love their Kingdom.

    The King of Ankole, Omugabe Asiimwe Ntare V1 Rubambansi requested people to be brave in asking what belongs to them, he described Ankole Kingdom as the most powerful monarchy in the whole of Africa, which once fully restored will be helping Banyankore through direct employment opportunities, helping market the products and promoting social and infrastructural development of the kingdom.

    He described the restoration process of Ankole Kingdom as a peaceful method that will be done peacefully in accordance to the laws of Uganda collaborating with the government of Uganda.

    “We opened the function with three anthems, one for Ankole, second for Uganda and the last one for East Africa, an Indication that we are respect our country Uganda and work with in the laws of our country” Said His Highness Asiimwe Ntare [Translated from Runyankore]

    His highness giving speech

    The event ended at 6 PM as people who had waited patiently triumphantly waved the King and went following him to his residence singing and shouting “Nyakutsinga!, Nokaramare” [Long Live Our King].

    More than 1000 people signed the resolution that was requesting the government to recognize His Royal Highness Asiimwe Rubambansi Ntare VI as the king of Ankole Kingdom.


    the Museveni regime maligned the greater North of Uganda and will continue to do so for obvious reasons

    Uganda National Liberation Army (UNLF) was a political platform founded in 1978 by exiled Ugandans opposed to the Iddi Amin regime. Following the fall of Iddi Amin in early 1979, a government of national unity under the UNLF umbrella was put in place. However, owing to internal power struggles and other external forces, the UNLA was short lived.

    Museveni who was the Minister of Defence and Vice Chairman of the powerful Military Commission played a vital role in the removal of President Yusuf Lule after serving for only 68 days. He made personal efforts to ensure that Edward Rugumayo did not replace Yusuf Lule but instead propelled Godfrey Binaisa.

    His choice was driven by the desire to exploit the historical Baganda hatred for UPC and Obote. At
    the time, Museveni was embroiled in a military race with the ‘northerners’ in the UNLF/A. Both Museveni and the Okellos were busy recruiting their own into the post Amin army (UNLA) in preparation for the control of the country’s political future.

    Binaisa attempted to diffuse the political tension arising out of the military rank by moving Museveni, Oyite Ojok and Paulo Muwanga to lesser influential positions. Instead the three connived to overthrow him and their Military Commission took over government.

    The Military Commission arranged the 1980 general elections where Museveni was opportunistically a contestant. He attempted to become the DP flagbearer but when he was frustrated he opted to form his own UPM. During the campaigns, he made it clear that if the elections were rigged, he was to go to the bush to fight government. Obviously, he was banking on the possibility of the DP being rigged out of victory and the historical hatred of the Baganda for UPC and Obote.

    If there had been any form of rigging, it was by the Military Commission which organised the elections and he as the Vice Chairman never at any one time protested. Had the DP out rightly won the elections it would have been a heavy blow to Museveni’s presidential ambitions. He staged his Bush War in Buganda region to tap into the resentment of the Baganda peasants against UPC and Obote. He moved very fast to undermine and neutralise the other pro-Buganda fighting groups under Prof. Lule and Andrew Kayiira.

    Museveni’s luck came when the Catholic Church and the DP used the predominantly Acholi UNLA soldiers to over throw the UPC and Obote govt in July 1985. He successfully manipulated the military junta during the failed Nairobi Peace Talks before he finally kicked them out in a military coup in January 1986. To gain national legitimacy, he had to bring on board the DP politicians. However, this marriage of convenience lasted only a few years before he discarded them while at the same time purging the Catholic army officers whom he suspected to be aligned to the DP. Consequently, over the years, the DP has lost out completely and is now back to 1958. Museveni is now in bed with the Remnants of the UPC and will soon suffer the same fate.

    Norbert Mao is an Acholi politician from Gulu and President General of the DP. He was at one time the area M.P and later district local government leader before he contested for the presidency on the DP ticket. Like Museveni, Mao harbours childhood presidential ambitions. He is currently an archi-rival to the main opposition party, the FDC and Dr. Besigye not because he is against regime change but because he feels it is against his political schemes. He has a conviction that it’s the DP that should have been the lead opposition party and possible replacement to NRM. That’s why he brands the FDC as a faction of the “Bush Men” in reference to some of its top leaders who had been part of Museveni’s Bush War before the fall out.

    He is banking on the traditional DP support in the Catholic church, the greater northern Uganda and the dominant Acholi soldiers in the army. In its scheme to suppress and subdue, the Museveni regime
    maligned the greater North of Uganda and will continue to do so for obvious reasons. Norbert Mao has repeatedly and publicly stated that there are people who feel that the “Anyanya should never rule Uganda”.

    Anyanya is a term coined by Museveni during his Bush War to refer to the people of Greater North. Mao has made it no secret of the desire for a secession of the Greater North into its own Nile Republic.

    When he threw his weight behind former Premier, Mbabazi under the TDA, it’s not that he had seen strength in Mbabazi but just the potential to undermine FDC and Dr. Besigye. Make no mistake; Mao’s influence in Acholiland is undisputable. The tribal card in Acholiland is still as strong as it was in 1985 when they overthrew the UPC. He has succeeded in persuading the FDC leaders from Acholi to either keep a low profile or to directly attack the FDC and Dr. Besigye. He is also under immense pressure from the regime agents from Acholi.


    Mao Nobert is a limping president general

    Mao Nobert-former makerere guild president,Member of Parliament and now “limping president general” of the “mighty” and oldest political party in Uganda-DP! This good orator took to the political arena by defeating NRM’s Noble Mayombo in what was arguably the mostly hotly contested MUK guild elections ever,the man can talk….you have to give him that one.BUT as you may well suspect,know or at least guess from the old adage-“Talkers are often non doers”if not often do the opposite of their”great”talk. From MUK,young Mao trounced Betty bigombe for Gulu Municipality MP and as you may imagine his fame and flame shine and blew even higher.he started to quickly reveal the true Mao…at least to those who could see through his glittering but empty rhetoric like myself.He immediately formed a political ‘party’ with Aggrey Awori and baptized it-progressive party.he received a huge amount of money in form of a donation to their party activities and pocketed it.when Awori found out,he dismissed Mao! Shameless Mao went running back to DP! A Few months later he fell ill and was diagnosed with then deadly killer HIV-AIDS.distraught Mao shared the bad news with close confidant-Jacob owl-anya who advised him that state house had a cure for and drugs for HIV. NOW DP’s real problems begins. Owl-anyah introduces Mao and his disease burden to M7 who obliges to help this “sick man from Europe-sorry Acholi”. In return, Mao must use his oratory to deliver Democratic Party to M7 and to destroy it. 2005 DP delegates conference-now NRM mole Mao received funding to contest for DP Presidency…DP is still solid strong and sees through his sweet talk and prefers sebaana kizito-tribalist NRM mole refers to the election result as “bika byabuganda football tournament”! He misleads DP delegates from Northern Uganda to boycott the elections and the resultant National executive! For the next five years DP Has no structures or leadership in northern Uganda! NRM then starts to mobilise DP members from north exploiting the lacuna and tribal sentiments….Mao is rewarded by M7 with 900 milion for this near victory. M7 orders him to go back and take leadership of the 2010 Mao joins forces with late Mafia Nsubuga to hoodwink sebaana to hand the position of secretary general to matia. The trio then organised a fake and shum national council meeting at natete presided over by the president general! And not the national chairperson as the DP constitution stipulates! This fake meeting hands matia the secretary general position and with it,the much needed tools for MAO-M7 Plan .Matia,issa kikungwe are then taken to state house by mao where they meet M7 and agree to execute the Mao plot.they are fully financed by state house to organise the infamous mbale delegates conference-which was fully funded by M7 to the extent that the mattresses on which the delegates slept were labeled UPDF! Almost all delegates at this fake mbale were hired at 50k from neighboring IUIU Mbale campus and given lists of who to vote.this delegates confrence gave birth to the “Matia Nsubuga, Mbidde,kikungwe,kezaala,Kidandali-mao” partnership many refer to as….”abafeere be mbale” this new group led by Mao and directed by NRM, started to orchestrate the cracks that now threaten the mighty DP from its very foundation and core! All over Uganda this “executive”was rejected BUT surprisingly it was propped and protected by its “enemy”NRM! To an extent where up to today if you say Mao should go it is the state that fights you! For the first time in the history of great DP, the party under Norbert mao did not field a presidential candidate in 2016! All the bafere of mbale were busy doing was collect and pocket 2million from every MP contesting and or seeking DP approval only to field weak DP candidates,fight strong ones so that their real boss NRM Wins!you must be reminded that contrary to national council,DP elders and members demands Mao refused to set up an independent Electoral commission of the party for 2015 delegates conference but instead,they on NRM directive and finance took the delegates conference to katomi at gilbert bukenya’s hotel-read nrm hotel,where all the rooms had been wired with recorders and where almost all delegates were one of the rooms where these wires were found taped under a bed the management claimed it was intercom -in a room without a telephone set!when matia died,mao refused to organise to fill the election but opted to hand the sensitive office to UPC’s Gerald siranda! The national executive and council are mandated to sit atleast twice a year but under mao for 8 year the two have never sat! DP has no true structures anywhere today as all delegates are fake.this was confirmed verbally by ‘ambasador’kezaala who said the mbale delegates were fake as were those in katomi! When interviewed further kezaala said it is infact mao that was the chief negotiator for his new appointment and exit from DP! WHAT MORE MUST WE WITNESS? And now mbu mao wants kisanja! To do what? Let us join forces to retire this sick-man from i don’t know where so that he can concentrate on having a better grip to his walking stick,take his medication and peacefully allow us rebuild our party.enough is hell with mao and all his bafere be mbale/Katomi. Truth and justice.DP OYEEE!


    I Have Followed Closely The Acts Of Opposition Parties And I Have Come Out With A Conclusion That NRM is swallowing almost all of them considering the acts in UPC, DP And Of Recent FDC. If You Consider The FDC Fire Of Early 2000 And Now Look At How People Are Fighting For EALA And Some Top Gov’t Positions And They Are The Ones Calling It An Illigitimate Gov’t I Failed To Understand The Movie And Come Up With The Conclusion That UGANDANS SHOULD RISE TO LIBERATE THEMSELVES RATHERTHAN WAITING FOR THE OPPOSITION TO HELP OUST THE KIND OF TIRANY WE ARE LIVING IN.



    Dr. Kizza Besigye exposed as failed hypocrite leader

    Despite liking Dr. Kizza Besigye as a person whom I have never met in person nor be in the same room with him, my actions spoke loud and clear, better than words, when campaigned for his release during his dark days after the elections through videos and lobbying the International community on his behalf. For I TAKE NO PLEASURE at all of writing against him. Nevertheless, as a Prophet entrusted with the mysteries that have crippled Uganda with the dictatorial system of governance since 1962, woe unto me if I decline to obey the HEAVEN’S COMMAND. Once again I emphasize to Dr. Kizza Besiggye that GOD REJECTED YOU IN September 2016 to become the PRESIDENT of UGANDA.
    First and foremost, let me introduce myself to you and all party leaders. I am a Ugandan who tirelessly has been advocating for truly sustainable democracy of our nation fervently day and night for the record. Secondly, I am GOD ALMIGHTY’S servant – Prophet, whom by His grace has entrusted with the message concerning the ‘political woes’ of our Nation Uganda with High powers to back me up during this process of delivering the nation out of the wilderness into the Promised Land.
    At that awaited time, introduce to the Nation God’s choice whom HE spoke too in 2011 as a replacement of President Museveni. For it was during the same period of the year that He had ‘Rejected President Museveni to lead his people’ as I have described in many of all my writings to the Nation specifically His message delivered on Uganda’s Independence Day 2016.
    I campaigned tirelessly in words and deeds for your release, also by prayers in tears offered to God on your behalf during your dark days after the general elections.
    During those dark days, I prayed that one day the good Lord my grant you grace to lead the country after four times being cheated of a win as you have claimed. Nevertheless, just as God says in His word; “Amos 3:7 Surely the Lord God does nothing unless He reveals His secret to His servants the Prophets”. “ISAIAH: 55:8-9 for His thoughts are not our thoughts nor are our ways His ways says the Lord” …… and in “DANIEL 4: 17, In order that the living may know, that the Most High God rules in the kingdom of men. GIVES IT TO WHOMEVER HE WILL. And sets over it the lowest of men”. He reaffirmed by rejecting you, shattering your ambitions of becoming the next hopeful president of Uganda!
    Earlier, when He had given me the entire diagnosis of Uganda woes political, social and economically and specifically His choice for the job, I did not give up to intercede on your behalf. With tears praying for your protection and comfort due to the first-hand knowledge I possess of what it feels like when you are resilient and consistency in the matters of advocating human rights for the country, giving it all 100%, mobilizing people to stand up, on behalf of their ‘failed- deteriorating country. And later find out that, the crowd which was pumping you up, were only a ‘bunch of hypocrites’ –“MAMESSE MANGI TEGESIMILA BUNYA.” I know how it crushed your heart. The disappointment you encountered from all the millions of your voters- the “TOKA KWABARABARA” Crowd which ‘hibernated and abandoned you at the same time left you ‘ALONE FOR SLAUGHTER’ such memories at that moment crushed my spirit too and broke down and cried out to God on your behalf.
    Despite all my efforts lobbying on your behalf before the Almighty God, once again reconfirmed me that, ‘HE REJECTED YOU’ to lead his Nation but protected your life something we are all grateful. At that moment chills went all over me, and I was afraid to ask reasons why He ‘Rejected you.’ Nevertheless, for I know; GOD ALMIGHTY KNOWS WHAT IS BEST FOR THE COUNTRY and her future than we all do. I was told to concentrate on the message which had been given me to deliver to the Nation just as I have described above. That has been a brief description of me and God’s message to you.
    The saying came true, “I was blind, but now I see” that I should not take credit for knowing the hidden mysteries holding Uganda back into a dictatorial system, but give all the glory to God. Since Almighty God Almighty spoke to me last year, I perceive you with respect but differently as far as leadership to the Presidency position is concerned, because once God Almighty says it is over, it is over! Nevertheless, no matter how I had refrained myself to ask why? He still opened up my mind to the reality of the issues facing our nation because it is not all ‘about you, nor political parties,’ but Uganda’s new generation after Mr. Museveni so that they may inherit a true sustainable Democratic system of government.

    My brother Dr. Besigye you are exposed as failed hypocrite leader who totally and undeniably learned nothing – nothing at all politically how to run and manage a revolution during the Bush war era.
    1. Image above of evidence, pinned you standing within the proximity of a fake electoral commission house which you did not blow out just as you had promised your voters that you will protect their votes.
    2. All political parties leaders know the existence of such fake electoral commission house that collects all results from polling stations across the country, swipe them for Dictator Museveni and later forward them to the legitimate ELECTORAL COMMISSIONER. Such scheme house gives a win to dictators since former president late Milton Obote, and it is not going away anytime soon.
    3. Fellow Bush War General David Ssejusa once upon a time a participant of the fake electoral house has come out and warned about it and advised all participants that “it is a waste of people’s time, sweat and blood because no opposition can win in such situation.”. Dr. Besiggye image two shows you ‘acting surprised ‘ of the events and results, that is not being realistic and truthful to your voters.
    4. NONE OUT OF ALL POLITICAL PARTIES LEADERS comes out ‘broke-financially’ after the elections. AMAZING! All profit out of this game scheme, you begin the campaign against the dictator Museveni, but all knowing the end results but participate anyway for profit.
    5. Your participation in the sham elections, LEGITIMIZES the dictator win LEGALLY according to Domestic and International laws. All Dictator Museveni needs is opposition party participants to establish a DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENTION ELECTION. Which all the International body considers as a ‘pillar of democracy.’
    6. POLITIC PARTIES are all guilty of legitimizing Dictator Museveni in power indefinitely and their hypocrisy they display to the voters by crying ‘wolf wolf’ while their mouths are ‘full of the king’s delicacies is absurd.’ ignoring the facts that during the campaign season many families lost their family members rotting in prisons and some killed.
    7. Dr. Kizza Besigye you ‘created a dictator -Museveni as his personal doctor in the BUSH WAR ERA by nursing him.
    8. Dr. Kizza Besigye you enforced more life into the dictator when personally for some unknown reasons you ‘paved a way for Mr. Museveni’s overstay in power indefinitely! In 1989, ‘you led a team’ to draft a resolution for a ‘constitutional amendment to extend NRM rule’ and henceforth the leadership of President Museveni for an ‘extra five years’ which passed. Then, you were the most trusted confidant of the NRM leadership. Only a sole voice, Omulongo Waswa Ziritwawula opposed this move and resigned his seat in Parliament in protest. If you had joined him to fight the nascent ‘dictatorship,’ perhaps the course of history of this country would have been different. You attributed in creating a dictator!
    9. You learned nothing from your past mistakes, now for the past TWENTY YEARS, you have LEGITIMIZED Dictator Museveni’s overstay in power by your participation in already known sham elections. Whereby enabling the constitution to endorse him as a Democratic legal elected president of Uganda. Henceforth, if you still happen to possess truth within you, could you let the nation know that political parties can not bring the change we all had hope for but only ‘legitimizes’ his overstay in the country. Despite the fact that Dictators are blind to the truth but ain’t stupid to eliminate the fake electoral commission house that helps them to stay in power indefinitely.
    10. You conducted an illegal ceremony and sworn in as a president of Uganda. Yet your party members of the parliament joined Dictator Museveni’s government which you call an illegitimate. So was it ‘defiance’ against you or dictator Museveni? They defiled you for the sake of taking an opportunity to enjoy the king’s delicacies such as ‘interest-free loans, exemptions from paying taxes, increase of salaries, free cars, and free everything’at the coast of the poor voters. This is defined as ‘ HYPOCRACY’ of the highest order. Did you summon them out or recall them, as their leader to form a cabinet? Therefore how can you as FDC party conduct DEFIANCE? Possessing the ‘label’ does not mean defined?
    1. Now having known all the facts narrated above, you have no shame and no truth left in you. Why? You continue to campaign for FDC PARTY members for parliament seats to go and eat the king’s delicacies, the exact government you call illegitimate!
    2. You have been exposed. The ALMIGHTY GOD PROVING HIS POINT; “Amos 3:7 Surely the Lord God does nothing unless He reveals His secret to His servants the Prophets”. “ISAIAH: 55:8-9 for His thoughts are not our thoughts nor are our ways His ways says the Lord” …… and in “DANIEL 4: 17, so that the living may know, that the Most High God rules in the kingdom of men. ‘GIVES IT TO WHOMEVER HE WILL.’ And sets over it the lowest of men”.
    3. Thousands of Ugandans are in the exile who cannot come back to their native country of origin having children who do not know their roots of origin. Such group is mad and against you all political parties.
    On this note ending up page no.2 my advice to you is; to survive ‘historians’ who will condemn you as the blindest, weak and hypocrite failed revolution leader ever lived on earth. You can redeem yourself by telling voters to abandon all political parties and never again participate in Mr. Museveni’s sham elections because they only ‘legitimize’ him.

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