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The Ugliest Bitches in Uganda

UNRA boss Allen Kagina (on left with a yellow to)told MPs on the Parliamentary Committee on Commissions, Statutory and State Enterprises (COSASE) she was misled to sign out billions of shillings towards a Chinese company without a working permit.

Smart thief and confident where are we going as country Uganda

Ndyabahika Vitari uganda yakurya

Balihika Zakiiyu Uganda Ekula!

Jack De Sonz Original mbu UNRA has got anew exec dir.kumbe just trush n garbage.mark u m7 deploys people whome he wants 2 appease but nt execute duties as required of them….

Denis Ssebugwawo Rock Let her goo

Bigjim Jim Byebyo
Until when will they stop stealing from Ugandans?
Always constructing ghost companies
Steven Tumusiime Here Sevo has no case to answer! He gives jobs to Ugandans to solve unemployment!! It’s us Ugandans who let him down! Imagine if Sevo was to appoint Chinese!!

Aggie Pasta Exaete these banyankole will rob Uganda upto grave.. this is what mzee likes to hear when he appoints a person en swindles money it makes him happy. kagina left URA en said she was going into personal business. these thieves take Ugandans for granted

Zirahuka Herbert A good face with no brains. May be your ass hole is better than your brain.

Steven Tumusiime Zirahuka Herbert kindly desist from abuses, they depict immaturity
Kindly do not use tribe!! Mistakes or crimes are committed by individuals not entire tribe!!

Julius Kays F**ck u kagina, hw dare u say that” mbu mis-led” ar u blind?? then this directly shows dat u dnt qualify 2 sit in dat office.

Rukiah Elias Uganda zaabu

Ngudde Baker you people

Kabicira T Paddy Thats politics of highest level look from kigundu who did not know regested votes,police kifeesi now allen kagina being misled.most of this is created to cover up on what happaned on 18/feb/2016.Rigging Vote Frm Kb 2 M7.

Francis Muheki Maybe she did on gun point, can’t believe this!

Kiggundu Thadhias Sevo has to trace&reconcile with JPAM effected now,otherwise am smelling an invisible plot to put him down by the SMART boss.

Nassimbwa Hamidah She is a thief!

Nalubega Stella That is it

Drsk Joe Isn’t she learnt? That is rubbish she should be taken into account. Rem ignorance of the law is not a defence.


Mfitundinda Dan Kagina shd be given a benefit of doubt bz she inherited a chaotic corrupt organisation with running road contracts with work in progress en authorising pyment for running contracts to mi seems ok.the problem is on the guys who awarded the contract.she…See More

Bk Philip Not at all, credit for employing her relatives

Mfitundinda Dan Who tells yu they are her relatives.plz do research

Matama Johnson THE FACT THAT HIS ONE among many to point out tht chinese are that bad is enough to understand that as compared to many whoi only think of 70 million to waste on their burrials . while after being a copse all we want is 6ft down and rip

Robert Gideon Don’t be deceived, no one can mistakenly sign on something worthy billions without knowing what he/she is signing for. She gave away that money to her bosses and she also recieved her

Robert Gideon the Chinese are instead victimized, they use them to squander national resources

Robert Gideon moreover debts for which even your grand children will have to pay 4 it

Matama Johnson let us say she did! yet she points them out in the open and accepts1 compare it with voulchers trying to eat the money by trying to prove they are right! its a mistake , but where credit is needed we should accept! better the enemy u know than the stranger u dont know.

Ramuzey Peter thanx mr abudu katuntu who discovered the uganda money.

Tyta Serodat hands up for some parliamentarians / legislators

Bwanalege Patrick Tumusiime you are right its not good always to think in tribalism it reminds me in 1982 when out of 7 boys iwas not a notherner from nakawa I was beaten by Naguru special force men that wona sura yake!!!!!,,,

Kamusingize Simpson They Would have killed u atleast f ua saying no tribalim today coz mwe abarimukintu

James Faith Grant bt y misled ever?

Yusuf Gluepot Council da permit and penalize dem

Denis Bananywa She knew the deal, tombavu let her go g c ya

Mukasa Renaa Dat means even in URA she was always misled

Alex Burussu Apuuli Who misled her?????…….??????

Nakasolya Barbra If she waz ur wife guyz, hmmmmmmm pussies are going to cause uganda be sold wait………… Lord wat is in e pussie peopl even get loanz for them……. Hehehehehehe

Nanvuma Tezrah U transfer one from URA to UNRA as if she is the only Ugandan who is educated

SSekiwala Gilbert I wish Iddi Amin was here he would the one with the best solution for such pipo Simonyi UNRA boss

Mujuni Robert During Amin time,there was no parliament,no auditor general,so who would have found out this? Let also remember that she found that construct already running

James Faith Grant No Doubt.

Wasibi Jn Nalela resignation letter…?she is already docketed to head oil refineries…watch the space…

Mabirizi Baker Kimera May de almighty hear our prayers as Ugandans for whatever those people have done to us, Oh God, plz kill all those corrupt officials and give us genuine leaders. Amin.

Augu Wood Disagree

Ngudde Baker You sign what you do not know kagina should ne arrested before we suffer more


Biryomuriiwe Willington Very true bro .

Wiston Barema she’s incompetent!

Emmanuel Nambobi After firing all competent UNRA officials., she then proves that she should have fired herself first

Maggwa Asuman Most of all museven people who are in big positions they don’t deserve them but coz the order from above works here kagina will continue stealing next position will be finance minister watch that space

Waiswa Moses Y all this shouting ! 4 God & My stomack & in addition ur not poor but ur head makes it .
Menya Bob Kagina iz aware ov every thing she dd ah uganda

Kenny Calvin Kato She should resign with immediate effect coz she proves that is incompetent

Lawrence Sserunjogi I hope you people have not forgotten that you are in Uganda? This can happen in Tz,Rwanda, and the like. If she resigns in Uganda,then I will eat no supper that day.

Nasasiira Filbert she shld step down.

Zirahuka Herbert For the mistakes of her predecessor?

Kawesa Benson Amooti Jesus Christ! These Mafias have really ruthlessly plundered this country! Eh!
Like · 1 · October 25 at 5:08am

Nabasa Kenneth I Don’t Know Where Uganda Is Heading To Since We Stil Hv M7 As Presido “The C/person Thieves”.
