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Media Forums Uganda Police State The Uganda dictator, Yoweri Museveni

last updated by Free Uganda 5 years ago
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    Free Uganda

    Police intercept the vehicle Omusinga Charles Wesley Mumbere was in


    Right from the start, it was evident to Omusinga Charles Wesley Mumbere that the State were no ready to let him walk free. This came to pass a few hours later when police re-arrested him after being granted bail by the Jinja High Court on Friday evening.

    At exactly 3pm, Justice Eva Luswata arrived in court and read her ruling on the bail application that took over 40 minutes.

    “The application has been accepted, ” Luswata said, also putting travel restrictions on Mumbere as one of the measures to avoid resumption of violence in the Rwenzori region as had been highlighted by the state prosecutors.

    “You will not be allowed to Kasese, Kabarole and Bundibugyo districts. You will only be allowed in Kampala, Jinja and Wakiso districts.”

    According to the judge, the Rwenzururu king was allowed to apply for a new passport after informing the Jinja Chief Magistrate. Mumbere had earlier told court that all his documents including the diplomatic passport were destroyed during the November raid on his palace.


    Usually, the norm is that on being granted freedom, the suspect would happily leave the dock to join his friends and relatives in jubilation, but this was not the case with Mumbere.

    As his queen Agnes Ithungu, mother Christine Nyamukama Mukiranya and other subjects including Kasese MPs reached out to him to celebrate his release, Mumbere remained silent.

    He was on several occasions seen trying to peep through the window as he watched policemen gather around court.

    Mumbere boards his brother Christopher Kibanzanga’s car to leave court
    Efforts to have him leave the dock by his lawyers and other subjects proved futile.

    “I fear they might arrest me, “he said before spending over an hour in the dock.

    It was after his team of lawyers led by Caleb Alaka convinced him to sign the bail form together with his 6 sureties that he agreed to leave the courtroom.

    “Your Majesty, you are now a free man and I hand you over to the Queen (Agnes Ithungu),”Alaka said.
    He was then led to the court cells by prison warders for signing prison documents.

    He was then set free and majestically moved out of the court cells with his queen waving to their subjects. This happiness would however be cut short.

    Meanwhile, for the lawyers and Kasese legislators, they anticipated something was wrong.

    Leader of Opposition, Winnie Kiiza was quick to warn government not to do any ‘nasty’ thing by re-arresting the Omusinga.

    Prisons officers watching the rearrest of Mumbere
    “This case has made government naked and they should not make themselves more naked by trying to re-arrest him,” Kiiza told journalists.

    For lawyer Sam Muyizzi, this was something similar to the infamous ‘Black Mamba’ re-arrest of opposition strongman Dr. Kizza Besigye.

    “At first we thought it was simply beefing up security to protect him but we have realized it is something else,” Muyizzi told journalists.

    Mumbere together with his queen Ithungu would later accept to sit into his brother and agriculture state minister Christopher Kibanzanga’s car ready to be driven out of court premises.

    Outside court premises was a waiting black police van and another patrol vehicle as they kept an eye at what was going on inside the court.

    A few meters to the court exit, the convoy that included Kiiza, stopped and Mumbere ordered the driver not to move anywhere.

    “It is not safe moving out of court.  I will stay here even if it means spending 2 weeks. I know they want to arrest me but they will only do so if they have a warrant, “Mumbere said.

    Later, there was a visible disagreement between Omusinga and his brother Kibanzanga as the latter tried to convince the king to accept to move out.

    After almost 2 hours, Mumbere agreed to drive out of the court premises, only to be intercepted by the Kiira region Deputy RPC Onesmus Mwesigwa.

    He asked the Rwenzururu to open the door, spoke to him briefly and was arrested.

    Police would later bundle him into the waiting van and drive to an unknown destination.

    Fresh Charges

    The police spokesperson Andrew Felix Kaweesi later confirmed they had arrested Omusinga and detained him at an unnamed police station in Jinja.

    “It is in connection with fresh charges. They range from murder to terrorism,” Kaweesi said.

    He said that the fresh charges are specific for Omusinga committed in the Rwenzori region.

    “We found out that people were   murdered and acts of terrorism and Mumbere is individually connected to those crimes.”

    Free Uganda

    Edith Byanyima made sectarian statements

    The aunt to the Kanyamunyu brothers, who are facing charges of murder of Kenneth Akena, again failed to show up at police for questioning.

    Ms Edith Byanyima was summoned on Monday for questioning and later records a statement over allegations of promoting sectarianism and incitement of violence. However she could not make it due to “other commitments”, suggesting that she reports on Tuesday at 10:00am, only not to turn up again.

    Ms Byanyima declined to say anything when contacted to explain whether she intended to report to police later or she was decided to remain defiant.

    “I have nothing to say, I insist, I will say nothing,” she said on phone.

    Kampala Metropolitan Police Spokesperson, Emilian Kayima says they (police) will keep waiting for her to turn up and later make a decision.

    “There is still time, we shall wait for her to come. May be if she fails to come, we shall communicate our next step,” he said.

    Ms Edith Byanyima is alleged to have made sectarian statements in an interview with a local online media accusing people of a certain tribe of being behind the death of the father of Joseph and Matthew Kanyamunyu. 

    According to the Penal Code Act, a person who makes or utters any statement which is likely to promote, in any other way, “feelings of ill will or hostility among or against, any group or body of persons on account of religion, tribe or ethnic or regional origin commits an offence and is liable on conviction to imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years”

    Free Uganda

    Most of these actors don’t appear to grasp the dynamics surrounding the execution of Akena. ..They have no clue how Akena related to the situation that culminated into his execution. ..They don’t breath in and out to decipher the role of Akena and Odonga Otto and Kanyamunyu in the diversion. ..Most depend on hear say and to burst. ..ask Bichachi. ..We hit the ground and observed a complex operation of cover up. ..I have not seen these good for nothing intellectuals demand from police the whereabouts of the actual scene of crime. .? Why should Winnie Byanyima be denied standing surety for any Ugandan….whether relative or not. .? And why would a husband in Besigye order Winnie the wife not to stand surety for anyone because you have reactionaries in Otto and the likes. .? If Otto assaulted Winnie I would have supported Besigye in killing him. .. who is sure whether Akena was executed because he was an Acholi? Who is sure that who ever killed Akena did so as a Muhima and if indeed the executioner was a Muhima. Otto the embodiment of the Acholi people, culture, history and heritage? Who is Otto in the Acholi civilisation? Does Otto know his values and self?
    Otto is what he is because of Janet Museveni courtesy of Odida of the Australian Foundation. Otto is assaulting Winnie Byanyima to present his invoice to Janet Museveni. ..Now this Gills of Chimpanzee the outfit for Muhoozi Special Forces does his thing again and assaults Edith Byanyima.
    All the Bahiima lose when the murder of Akena is viewed as a revenge operation for the role Acholi officers played in the killings of the 1980. You can’t even be sure if these weren’t NRA covert operations. …aishi. ..
    Can Otto account for his dealings with Kanyamunyu… In the photo below you see a satisfied Otto as opposed to the Acholi people dying of hunger. ..If Otto had been shot while with Kanyamunyu then. ..who wouldn’t have believed Kanyamunyu shot him. ..omururu. .. of course I wouldn’t have believed Kanyamunyu was Otto ‘ s buddy to deliver him to hospital. … Not every woman is a political actor to appreciate implications of some statements. What was your motivation in interviewing her? So you are cresting ground for murdering Bahiima as justification to kill Acholi people the way you set up the stage in the Rwenzori region. Can’t you get satisfied with blood? Not all of us are foolish. One day the whole game of the execution of Akena will come to light.

    Free Uganda

    David Muganzi was reportedly beaten and killed by Police crime presenters

    Police deployed heavily on the Mbarara Ntungamo road which was being blocked by angry residents

    Police yesterday Monday deployed heavily along the Mbarara- Ntungamo road which was blocked by angry relatives and neighbors of a murdered resident.

    30 year old David Muganzi late last week is said to have been beaten to death by police crime preventers during a night operation.

    The deceased was a resident of Nyakaguruka village, Rugando Sub County in Rwampara Mbarara district, but was selling charcoal in Kisenyi cell, Mbarara municipality.

    Last week on Tuesday, Muganzi was according to relatives, arrested by crime preventers at around 1: 00am while coming from a party in Kisenyi.

    The crime preventers attached to Mandela Police Post in Kakoba Division Mbarara reportedly asked for Shs 20,000 but he declined to give it to them.

    The then started beating him severely and left him unconscious.

    Muganzi was rushed to Mbarara Regional Referral Hospital by good Samaritans, where he was found to have bled internally and had multiple wounds.
    David Muganzi was reportedly beaten and killed by Police crime presenters

    David Muganzi was reportedly beaten and killed by Police crime presenters

    According his cousin sister Priscilla Kyobutungi, he was operated and he remained unconscious until Saturday January 21st when he died.

    Kyobutungi says while recording statements at Mbarara Police station, she was ordered by a top police officer to state that Muganzi was knocked by a speeding motorcycle.

    She says however that she contacted the local Police Professional Standards Unit which in liaison with the hospital confirmed that the deceased was battered.

    Consequently, three crime preventers and two police officers were arrested and detained to assist in the investigations.

    The crime preventers were identified as Emily Tusiime, Fabregas Herbert, and Herbert Nuwamanya while the police officer were’t named.

    These were however released shortly afterwards and only Fabregas remains in detention.

    Meanwhile in protest, the relatives of the deceased refused to collect the body from the Mortuary, but police drove it and dumped at their home in Kinoni on Saturday evening.

    On departure, locals turned riotous and blocked the Mbarara-Ntungamo road which forced the police to unleash teargas to disperse them.

    Kyobutungi says Mbarara DPC Jaffar Magezi later sat with the family and asked them to go to Mbarara and pick Shs 1million to help with the funeral.

    The DPC also promised to clear the medical bills amounting to Shs. 2.8 million; but only left them with Shs. 300,000.

    Trouble however, resumed yesterday before the burial when the DPC refused to hand over the original postmortem report to the family, which prompted the locals to turn violent again and teargas resumed.

    This compelled Mbarara Resident District Commissioner Capt. Martha Asiimwe to intervene. She personally delivered the original copy of the postmortem and apologized before the locals about the incident.

    She also handed Shs. 1million to the family to help with the burial, which commenced late in the evening.

    David Muganzi, son to Eliab Mugisha left behind 4 children and 2 widows; Nice Katusime and Marion Ninsima.

    Capt. Martha promised the family that all those involved in the murder will the arrested and brought to book.

    Free Uganda


    On 24th January 1971, the mutineering soldiers at Mengo barracks were plotting their next move after taking the military facility (and the entire capital city) from Milton Obote’s loyalist soldiers.

    For long the army had been divided between Obote’s tribes mates, and the rest of Uganda.

    The previous day, the threat had become real when Obote’s group disarmed the rest of the soldiers at Mengo barracks, and locked them up in an attempt to murder and/or kick out all the non-Obote officers.

    Being in fear for their lives, the imprisoned soldiers found their way out, broke into the armoury, fought back the whole night, and thwarted Obote’s plan.

    They now controlled the entire capital city.

    Gen. Idi Amin suddenly appeared at the Mengo barracks the next morning.

    While the soldiers had expected a heavy military response, instead here was the head of the country’s army coming alone in his military jeep to listen to them.

    This eased the tension and made the soldiers comfortable approaching him and talking to him.

    As the Army commander, Gen. Amin had come seeking to understand what exactly caused the revolt. He wanted to assess the damage first hand, hear their grievances, and try to resolve the situation.

    The discussion started off quite cordially. But the mood suddenly shifted when the topic changed to what the military code of conduct prescribed for mutineering soldiers.

    Through the years, Amin would constantly narrate to us what happened next. He apparently also told Africa Report editor Anthony Hughes 4 years after the actual incident while being interviewed during the Kampala OAU summit: “I was held at gun point and forced to become the President.”

    The revolting soldiers told him that if he refused, they would shoot him on the spot.

    They had started the revolt to save themselves from Obote’s officers. But they then suddenly realized that they had to go all the way and take over the government from Obote himself, or else they would face a serious backlash, possibly the military court martial and the death sentence, if/when Obote returned from his trip abroad.

    All they now needed was a capable, popular leader at the presidency.

    Gen. Amin, as Army Commander, and the only senior officer they could trust, perfectly fitted the bill.

    On 25th January, the day after the gunpoint incident, Staff Sergent Aswa, the leader of the mutineering soldiers, read an announcement on radio Uganda which ended saying:

    “We the soldiers of the Uganda Armed Forces have taken over the government. We have also appointed as president our fellow soldier General Idi Amin Dada.”

    The BBC reported cheering crowds in the streets of Kampala immediately after the radio broadcast.

    “The people of Uganda are celebrating the demise of President Milton Obote’s government”, the report said.

    In a 2012 article for the Telegraph newspaper (UK) Sir Peter Allen, Former Senior Judicial Officer who served in Uganda from 1955 to 1987, also wrote:

    “In 1971, while President Obote was in Singapore attending the Commonwealth Heads of Government conference, a group of soldiers, led by Sergeant-Major Aswa, announced on the radio that they had overthrown the government. This was because they were dissatisfied with Obote who was making life miserable for them. They then asked Amin to take over as President.”

    How Milton Obote was brought back again 8 years later after Amin, reveals the exotic ignorance, disorientation, and total disconnect that the so called “liberation forces” and their Tanzanian backers had with the Ugandan people.

    And the monumental intellectual gymnastics to legitimize lies and their ideological confusion, continues to this day.

    Locally, these are people who profess eloquently during public speeches, yet the mental backwardness in their real lives is quite fantastic.

    But from 1966, there was no way Milton Obote could genuinely win any popularity or beauty contest in Uganda.

    The peoples dissatisfaction had started back then when Obote overthrew the sitting President Edward Muteesa, abolished all Kingdoms and all traditional leaders across the country, unilaterally banned all political parties, jailed all political opponents, changed the constitution, and summarily appointed himself president.

    He also started a nice sectarian government that sought to place only people from his tribe in all key government and army positions under a hillarious 50-year plan called “The Lango Master Plan” (see last link below).

    However, in 1971, Amin was not part of any coup d’etat, nor did he ever appoint himself president.

    Neither were the Israeli’s, or the British involved.

    Gen. Amin was under duress and forced to lead the new military government just before the soldiers publicly announced the takeover on state radio.

    The Israeli’s and the British came in to support and recognize the new government after it was declared to the public and the international community.

    All the other narratives about how Amin came to power are simply a result of wonderful political hysteria and first class media delirium.

    And for the record, one cannot claim to understand the true circumstances under which Amin governed Uganda unless one understands what exactly happened to him on 24th January 1971.

    By Hussein Lumumba Amin

    Free Uganda

    If Mr. Museveni does not leave power peacefully or tries to impose his adviser on special operations, as next president of Uganda, we shall have a genocide in this country.
    The only way to avert the genocide is by westerners themselves chase Museveni out of power.

    Free Uganda

    Dictator Yoweri Museveni addresses a group of crime presenters

    Angry residents of Nyakaguruka village, Rugando Sub County in Rwampara Mbarara district on Monday engaged the police in running battles as they protested the murder by police crime preventers of a fellow resident.

    Last week, crime preventers allegedly clobbered David Muganzi, 30, a charcoal seller in Kisenyi Cell – Mbarara Municipality, to death during a security operation at night.

    While returning from a party in Kisenyi at about 1am, Muganzi relatives say, their relative was arrested by crime preventers attached to Mandela Police Post in Kakoba Division of Mbarara Municipality who then asked him to cough Shs 20,000. Failure to give them the money incensed the reportedly drunken crime preventers to pounce on Muganzi, leaving him unconscious.

    The father of four children and husband to two wives would later be rushed to Mbarara Regional Referral Hospital where he succumbed to  internal bleeding and multiple wounds.

    Muganzi’s relatives also claimed that police had threatened them – telling them to report that Muganzi had been knocked down by a speeding motorcycle.

    Three crime preventers and two police officers would then be arrested after Muganzi’s relatives contacted the local Police Professional Standards Unit.  But the suspects’ detention would not last longer.

    The release of the suspects infuriated the residents who declined to collect Muganzi’s body from the mortuary. Police would later dump the deceased’s body at his home in Kinoni

    on Saturday evening further incensing the residents who blocked the Mbarara-Ntungamo road until police fired teargas to disperse them.

    To calm the residents, Mbarara DPC Jaffar Magyezi promised to give the family Shs 1m to help in funeral arrangements and Shs 2.8 to clear medical bills.

    That seemed to placate the residents until Monday when DPC Magyezi refused to give relatives the authentic autopsy report, causing more confrontation between cops and residents.

    Mbarara Resident District Commissioner Capt. Martha Asiimwe intervened with the copy of the post-mortem, an apology and Shs 1m to help with funeral expenses.

    Free Uganda

    Uganda has so many problems as a country but one particular problem that may seem too strange to be true, is the problem of the country’s one and only international airport lacking toilet paper and/or hand soap. It seems illogical, but the reason behind it makes more sense than you would think.

    According to the IGG’s report, the investigations completed on July 8, 2016 revealed that two fraudulently employed cleaning companies, Guardian Services Ltd (GSL) and Clear Environment Cleaning Services Ltd (CECS) instead of three cleaning shifts as agreed in their contracts were only undertaking two or less and that females cleaned males’ toilets in the airport premises and vice versa while the cleaning materials were littered around the lobbies and walkways.

    The report also shows how on most occasions, the toilets lacked toilet paper and hand soap (like in public toilet, which has a high influx of visitors). It also disclosed that this mess was caused by shortage of manpower, absenteeism of the cleaners due to little pay and the general lack of supervision and knowledge on how to clean a facility of Entebbe International Airport’s stature.

    It was critically noted that the cleaning materials and mode of doing so depended on individual creativity of a given supervisor as opposed to adherence to an international cleaning model like that one employed by better airports allover the world.

    As of September 8, 2016 dating back from December 2014, a gross total of Shs776,410,470 and Shs657,814,600 inclusive of all taxes had been paid by Civil Aviation Authority MD Dr. Rama Mukuza to Guardian and CECS cleaning firms respectively despite not doing enough to reverse the poor hygiene at Entebbe International Airport in over two years of operating. Efforts by the CAA Board of Directors to blacklist the two companies and advertise for procurement of new ones were blocked by the Contracts Committee chairman, Eng. John Kagoro Tusubira instead calling for a review and amendment of the terms with the previous contractors.

    “The toilet is often the first place visited on arrival and the last stop for departing passengers, leaving a lingering impression of their destination. Our restrooms at Entebbe are in a very poor condition and need an overhaul,” said frequent traveler James Kabatsi. Adding, “Most airports I have been to are pretty standard when it comes to their restrooms.”

    This is not the first time Entebbe airport’s poor hygiene is coming into the spotlight. In May, 2015 while returning from an international trip in the US, President Museveni was shocked to see cracks and overgrown vegetation on the runway and was visibly angered by what he had seen and almost fired the managers, CAA’s top bosses.

    In a country where flight delays (departing or arriving) are just part of the deal, some recent numbers would give pause to the most unflappable traveler at Uganda’s only airport.

    Just 41 percent of all flights leave on time. Only 59 percent of flights arrive on schedule, according aviation data. International travelers have also complained about the long taxi-line queues, atrocious check-in lines, frequent power outages, shabby duty free shops, overpriced food outlets and meager lounges.

    Free Uganda

    Why i stopped celebrating African independence!

    Who said we are independent?
    To me, Africa will only be independent ;
    1. When we are financially independent and more so Uganda`s debit now in history.
    2. When our consumer and producer goods are made and packed in Uganda
    3. When we have factories and those industrial complexes owned and run by Ugandans
    4. When we have our nationals appreciating their traditions and dissing all western cultures, i mean them/ us dropping them for good (to know how stupid Africans are, we have gone an extra mile of bleaching ourselves)
    5. When we can harness these natural resources ourselves with the technology made from African countries, moreso Uganda
    6. When our leaders have admired the great cities of today, say Hong kong, Shanghai, Dubai etc., and have decided to have such developments where we can say the “greatest cities” are in Africa.
    7. When we have established our own arsenals and realized that these weapons are for peace and security not making our fellow Africans suffer and being killed with these weapons
    & many more scenarios.,
    Imagine am talking of scenarios, my God!
    and still dont think if you have no Caucasians here in your politics means you independent, never!
    Have a great week of thoughts
    Free Uganda
    Free Uganda




    Free Uganda


    UCE 2016 results are being withheld due to insufficient funds to pay examiners
    Uganda National Examination Board has alerted headmasters to prepare mock results to be based on to promote students to A level.
    2016 UCE results are expected to be released next month.

    Free Uganda
    Free Uganda

    Besigye is more deadly than m7 cuz is the one causing all death and suffer to us by revealing anyone who comes out to oppose the regime is dead or imprisoned. Since 2001 people are imprisoned in upper prisons but nothing besigye can say about them as if is green about it. Besigye is an agent of Satan to take lives of people who try to deny their system. So say no to besigye and suffer your life alone. May God Bless You who will type Ameeeen if you have picked the point in my post.

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